Dragon Age Inquisition - The return of the Demo?
Posted By:
Gamerdating Team - July 15, 2015
Has the demo returned!?
Origin has popped up a trial mode for Dragon Age Inquisition allowing you to download the game, play unlimited multiplayer and have access to 6 hours playthrough of the single-player campaign. Oh I hope this will set a trend, we need demos, not pre-orders, but... that is for another deeper topic to talk about.
So essentially the Dragonslayer DLC Multiplayer, with weekend events, for free?
Six hours of the single-player campaign:
Play six whole hours of the single-player campaign and get an extended look at the thrilling world of Thedas. Track demons and recruit legendary warriors. If you decide to buy, your progress will carry over.A multiplayer adventure like no other:
Get unlimited free multiplayer, including both multiplayer Expansion Packs with the Dragon Age: Inquisition - Trial. Explore the world of Dragon Age with friends. Experience incredible adventures and fight sinister enemies with friends who own the game and those playing the trial.
Dragon Age: Inquisition came out last year in November, rated around the 85% mark and won various gaming rewards throughout its time, and has achieved an impressive amount. If you've been waiting to try Dragon Age: Inquisition wait not longer. While there is not date for when this promotion (other than "limited") is will end, so grab it now before it's over and give it a try.
Maybe you can ask that special someone for an adventurous game date into Thedas with the Dragon Age Multiplayer this weekend?