Two New Characters Announced for Battleborn
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The GamerDating Team - December 29, 2015
IGN had the pleasure of introducing two more characters for the upcoming first-person shooter Battleborn by Gearbox Software today and they are both integral parts of the game’s story. According to Creative Director Randy Varnell, the earned characters get unlocked “pretty quickly”. “We want you to encounter them first interacting with you about the story, then later you get to unlock them and make them your own.”
Ghalt, a “hook and trap specialist”, is actually the founder of the Battleborn crew. After becoming fed up with watching the stars disappear and nothing satisfactorily being done, he assembled everyone he had ever fought with or against to tackle the problem once and for all. Aside from his aforementioned traps and hook, Ghalt has customizable shotguns and his ultimate adds a second, identical shotgun for a short time.
Deande has served as The Jennerit Empire’s Spymaster for the last 1000 years. When Lord Commander Lothar Rendain (maybe you remember him as the well-spoken villain from this Battleborn trailer) starts a coup and leads the Empire to join the star-destroying evil side, Deande keeps herself close to undermine his plans. She is a stealth/deception character, an assassin archetype who wields twin iron-tipped fans. She also has the ability to clone herself, instantly entering stealth mode so she can destroy her distracted enemies.
Battleborn will be released on May 3rd of next year. The hype for this game has been almost painful, with characters and game info being slowly handed out. We do know that it will be available on Microsoft Windows, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 and features 25 playable characters upon release. Something that really excites us is the campaign mode which can be played solo or as a couch co-op with four players!